Thursday, August 29, 2013


A few notes from the mom.... Usually the clinic does not bother me anymore, seeing everyone, all in the same boat, just with different types of problems.  Truly cancer is never a good thing, but we are blessed with a short chemo run and great hopes of a good outcome. Today, however, it pulled at me and left me feeling sad. I ached for the other moms, all with their kids. Then I dropped the little brother at school and went home and shut all the doors to my room and cried. Did I really just take one of our kids to his brother's chemo appointment? The reality is a shocker sometimes. Just when I thought I was A ROCK, I turned to water. This is hard... I have to think that God has a fleet of angels for hospitals. They need them; we all need them. 


  1. I love you so much. I am so sorry you have to go through this trial. I wish I could be there to hug you and listen. Even strong people have hard days. You are one of those angels in that hospital. :-)

  2. I love you!! And you are A ROCK!!!!

  3. I love you!! And you are A ROCK!!!!

  4. I am looking at all of the post and catching up today. Angela your blog is beautiful. I love your very strong and vulnerable heart. That is what makes you so amazing. I remember this day with you on the phone for a short time. The shock of it all over again. May Gods Angels always hold you and Corby sweetly in their arms and catch all your tears with their feathers. And then after you have had the best cry ever. I hope to hear your amazing laugh from them tickling you with their feathers. Your laugh is my favorite thing I think I have ever heard. love you
