Thursday, August 15, 2013

#3 Chemo DONE!!!

Getting Mr. Blue Eyes out of the door was a challenge this morning.  He did not want to swallow pills or go get chemo.  However, by the time we got to the hospital, he was fine.  The nurses are all so kind.  They are making a difference in lots of little people's lives.  Today we got Nurses Kim and Ginger :).
 They ROCK!!!!

Today while in the hospital I was watching Mr. Blue Eyes play on his Ipad, and I noted that he was crashing a lot while driving on a game.  I told him he would never drive one of my cars from the skills I was currently seeing.  Then he almost killed himself again and miraculously recovered.  He looked at me and he said,
"Never underestimate the Power of Corban."

I call this the Airplane picc line. (NO this is not the technical term.) Every week the dressing gets changed and cleaned. It does not bother him too much, just when the tape is coming off and the alcohol goes on
 to clean it. 

Then the DOC. He was dancing and grooving as usual today. Full of fun and laughs for Mr. Blue Eyes.  He definitely found his calling in life.  He was meant to work with kids. Mr. Blue Eyes told me that he is his favorite because he is not only nice but hilarious!
 It just doesn't get better than that!  
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  1. Glad everything went well today.......ah, those pills! Xxxx

  2. Pretty soon he will be a pro at pills! So happy to see good days! Love you always!

  3. Good days are ahead. Good to hear things are getting better.

  4. I hope I get to meet Corban's nurses and funny doctor! Love you Corban!

  5. Always glad to hear an upbeat report!


  6. Cancer and the side effects chemotherapy or radiotherapy can have a devastating impact on the body. Oncowell provides access to the highest quality complementary therapies to support the body during this traumatic time.
