Monday, August 19, 2013


Posted by PicasaThank you for all the votes and comments. Mr. Blue Eyes enjoyed hearing all of them. Last night at 11:30 p.m. he kept complaining that his head was itching. I told him it was likely that his hair was just falling out on his pillow causing it to itch. I told him we could just shave it off. He was in the salon chair so fast I had to run after him. WE shaved the and shaved.  The result. 
He has seen a few people today, and they all told him he has a good noggin. He does look good bald.  I knew he would — he was such a cute bald baby.

For me as a mom, today was challenging. I know Mr. Blue Eyes has cancer. I know he is getting chemo.  However, until today, he did not look like he had it, except for his picc line. So when I saw him looking out the window today while I was out front, I saw him with cancer for the first time. I saw the effects of the chemo and that his cells are not able to create and renew who he once was.  This chemo better be KICKING CANCERS ROYAL BOOTY!

 I received this from a dear friend in the mail today... It is really fitting for how I am doing.
"Trouble is a part of your life, and if you don't share it, you don't give the person who loves you a chance to love you enough." Dinah Shore  


  1. I knew he would be a handsome young man without hair!! What a beautiful smile!!!!

  2. He does have a cute bald head! Almost as cute as that smile :)

  3. Im liking the bald!! He is so cute. I hope that solves the itchy problem.

    Love you guys so much.

  4. Corban, you look so handsome! Keep smiling! :)

  5. Corban looks extremely handsome. Great choice to go bald..

  6. I can't believe how beautiful his head is! This is a good omen for him in old age. Watch out ladies!!

    Love that quote, too.

  7. Beautful, I mean... handsome! Looking good :D Love you!

  8. I thought the exact same thing when I saw his picture. My heart sank for you, because I know your heart and know that wasn't easy on you. He is such a incredible, smiling happy guy. Love him so much.
