Monday, October 14, 2013

Being BRAVE because of you

My little Mr. Blue Eyes has made me be a stronger person.  He has helped me build courage and have more vigor and passion in my life.
I think that is why often our life experiences are our greatest teachers.
I am not the same and never will be.   I was not going to share this but I am documenting his journey.  He has reminded me several times how he has helped me to be brave with this particular thing.  I shared it with him after the first procedure.  I told him that after all we have been though with him this seemed smaller than it used to be. 
Prior to cancer becoming a high priority I had booked three necessary  procedures for Edovascular Laser/ Phlebectomy's.  It  would total eight hours of procedures on my legs in 4 weeks time.  The recovery from the last is 3-4 weeks after the last procedure. To my surprise as it approached I was not worried or stressed.  I had my hubster dump me off at the curb and a friend pick me up when it was over. 
 Yes I am a little crazy for doing this at this time but I am of the mind set to just
get all of it over with at once.  
So I did and it has been hard to be a gimp and living with pain. 
However I am OK and will be much better when i don't look like someone beat me. 
So I lay in the sun grateful for a little boy who taught me I can do hard things to be 
braver today than yesterday.
So though I am a gimpasaurus I am glad I had this little brave child of mine and a 
loving Heavenly father who touch my soul and let me grow.


  1. so glad you are doing better. :-) Love you, Angela!

  2. Thinking of you a lot! Gimpasaurus is an awesome discription of how you must look when you walk. The body is an amazing thing and you will be all healed and perfect before you know it. Love ya!

  3. Sorry you are in pain but I am glad you are recovering well. {{hugs}}

  4. Bravo for taking care of yourself even though it's hard at the beginning. Perspective can be a blessing. Rest well and heal quickly friend. Thinking of you. And I have some new fabrics to pop in the mail to you!! Hope you like them.

  5. Trouble comes in bunches - maybe it's easier to deal with in bunches too!
