Monday, September 30, 2013

Picc Line Up Close

There isn't much that's not "close and personal" about a picc line since it goes through your vein to your heart. It is an amazing little device for chemo. The doctor made a joke when he pulled it out that "mom would want to keep it for her scrap book." (I must be transparent! But I am not going to put it in a book. I will put it in a box of the treasures from his time with cancer.) LOL!
We were really glad when the results came back Cancer Free because the entire week before Corban had had a rash all around his arm near the picc line. It is slowly healing now, but as Mr. Blue Eyes reports it is still a little itchy. We are very happy not to have to be FLUSHING it out everyday with Heparin. WOO HOO!  I am mostly just enjoying watching him be a little more cancer free every day. He has been really low on energy today, but his energy waxes and wanes.
Tonight we talked to him about how blessed he is to have come through this cancer free in the end. At nine, I am not sure he can really understand how precious and fragile life is. Blessed for sure.... It is a huge blessing that he is young with a strong body and spirit.


  1. Okay, that picture is making me cringe! I am a wimp with needles and IVs though :) I'm glad all the cancer stuff is going in a box and not part of your daily life anymore!

  2. Needles - we don't love them, but think of all the great things they do!! And that's not even counting sewing needles and knitting needles!
