Saturday, October 19, 2013

" I know that head"

We made a quick trip to the store and I brought Mr. Blue Eyes.  We had just grabbed some orange juice when a lady came up to him and said,
" I know that head, I have had one!" 
This stranger talked to him told him how strong and cute he was she hugged him twice and rubbed his head.  They shared there types of cancers and we said goodbye.  As we walked away Mr. Blue Eyes said " Mom do we know that lady."  I said no but she knows something about you." 
As we were checking out I ran into her again.  I shared with her that she was incredibly sweet and it meant a lot to us for he to visit with him.  She shared that 10 years ago when she was fighting cancer she was in an airport and a stranger hugged her and did the same thing that she had just done to Mr. Blue Eyes.   She said that the hug and support had meant so much she always hugs those special bald heads now.  She hugged me and said "stay strong everything's going to be ok."  I said "yes I know (my eyes brimming with tears)  I am just still a little raw from everything." "It just takes time...." she said.....
Touched! LOVED! Supported by a stranger! AMAZING!  A lesson on not being afraid or living in fear of what is in front of you.  What if she had not said nothing...... it is uncomfortable to know what to say for a lot of people but big smiles and conversations offer so much.... a reminder to be strong enough to get uncomfortable and reach out to others especially to the bald heads.


  1. I love that story Ang! What a tender mercy from a stranger.

  2. Between this and the inspiring video, I'm a sobbing mess, Angela. The kindness of others is so very touching. What a blessing our actions can be to not only others we meet, but even those who learn about them afterwards.

  3. Great story!! One to share, that's for sure!

  4. Oh dear, now I am crying! What an angel!
